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Hubble's Computer Malfunctioned - can NASA fix it?
NASA's $50 Million Hubble Mistake
Hubble's Latest Problems May Be In a 50 Year Old Computer Design
Hubble Telescope had an error and it is in offline mode|NASA is unable to fix it.
Hubble telescope problem UPDATE
Hubble Faces a Series of Glitches
Something Went Seriously Wrong With Hubble And NASA Is Unable To Fix It!
The Hubble Telescope's payload computer is down NASA has spent days
The Hubble Challenge: It's back in service after gyro scare—NASA is still studying reboost options.
Urgent: Hubble Gyroscope Failure Triggers Science Standstill
Hubble Repair Mission Setbacks
Hubble Telescope Stopped working | Hubble Telescope images | #NASA